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Space Clearing Reiki Sessions

Any space can hold onto energies, whether it be from events, emotions, or daily interactions. Over time, the residue energy can build up and may affect the overall atmosphere of the space. By using reiki to clear the space, you can address unseen energy that permeate your surroundings and purify and revitalize within a particular environment.


Benefits of Space Clearing Reiki Sessions include enhancing mood, relationships, clarity of thought and motivation. After a space clearing, the environment may promote better mental, emotional, and physical health, which enhances your personal well-being. It can also improve your focus and creativity by clearing energetic disturbances. Whether you feel at peace or uncomfortable in a room depends on its energetic state, so by releasing stagnant energy, you can attract and foster positive opportunities.


Although spaces aren't inherently "bad" per say, the energy of the space can reflect what has happened there and how it has been processed. Reiki offers a gentle way to uplift and harmonize any energy that resides within a particular space.

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