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What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced RAY-Key) is a gentle, powerful hands-on technique that uses the Universal Life Force energy around us to heal the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It reduces stress, promotes relaxation and allows everyone to tap into unlimited life-force energy to improve health and enhance the quality of life.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki can be done on a person lying on a massage table or sitting in a chair, in a quiet, peaceful and confidential setting. The person receiving Reiki does not get undressed. The Reiki practitioner puts their hands either on, or hovering above, the client, and leaves their hands in one area for a few minutes before moving on to the next area. Following reiki session/s, self-improvement is a required commitment on the client’s part. We will explain that to you after your session.

What does Reiki do?

Reiki utilizes positive healing energy to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. Reiki knows where energy is most needed and sends it there. Reiki helps us heal physically by:
➢ Vibrating at the frequency of unconditional love
➢ Bringing life-force energy to tissues in the body that lack good circulation and energy
➢ Releasing stuck and unexpressed emotions from the body tissues

➢ Invoking relaxation to kick in the body’s natural healing capabilities
➢ And there are many more benefits such as inspiring creativity, to increase spiritual growth, to help resolve life issues and serve as a catalyst for positive change

Are there risks or side effects?

Who can benefit from Reiki?

Reiki does not have any known harmful side effects. Reiki is NOT intended to replace any doctor approved treatment plan.

Reiki can be used by anyone and although it is spiritual in nature, it is not dependent on religion and there are no beliefs one must have in order to benefit from Reiki. The many beneficial effects of Reiki can be enjoyed by everyone – even plants and animals!

What is Crystal Energy?

Crystals from natural mineral formations, believed to have metaphysical properties, that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and imbue positive energy that interacts with the body’s energy field to promote healing.


Crystals are considered a natural therapy and combined with Reiki reinforce each other’s effect.

How long is a Reiki session?

A typical session will last from 45 minutes to one hour.

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